1. Acceptance of Terms

1.1 All ownership and operational rights of this application belong to our company. The services provided must be strictly followed according to the company's regulations, terms of service, and operating rules. By browsing these terms and continuing to use this application, users agree to all the contents of these terms of service and voluntarily comply with the conditions and restrictions set forth in these terms.

1.2 Users are responsible for any costs incurred in using this application, including but not limited to expenses related to network devices (such as personal computers, mobile phones, and other devices related to internet or mobile internet access), such as telephone charges and internet fees for internet access or mobile phone fees for mobile usage.

2. Rules of Use

2.1 Users voluntarily install and use this application.

2.2 Users should adhere to the following principles when using this application:

2.2.1 Comply with relevant laws and regulations of China.

2.2.2 Do not use the network system for any illegal purposes.

2.2.3 Comply with all network protocols, regulations, and provisions related to network services.

2.2.4 Do not engage in any activities using this application's hardware or software devices that may adversely affect the normal operation of the internet.

2.2.5 Do not engage in any activities using this application that are detrimental to our company.

2.2.6 Without the consent of our company, users are prohibited from using this application for sales on websites or physical stores. If this provision is violated, our company reserves the right to pursue its breach of contract liability and hold the user responsible for any losses incurred by our company.

3. Right to Revise Terms of Service

Our company reserves the right to interpret and revise these terms of service and to interrupt services without prior notice to users. By using or continuing to use the services, users accept our company's right to modify or interrupt the services, and our company shall not be held responsible to users or third parties.

4. Privacy Protection

4.1 Our company respects the personal privacy of users and protects the privacy information of each registered user in accordance with the law. User's personal information will not be disclosed unless our company deems it necessary on the basis of good faith in the following circumstances:

4.1.1 To follow the service procedures of this application.

4.1.2 To maintain the ownership of the trademarks of this application.

4.1.3 To strive to maintain the privacy and security of user's personal information and the general public in emergencies.

4.2 Users agree to assume the risks associated with the use of email services. The email service is provided free of charge, and our company does not provide any guarantees of any kind.

5. Disclaimer

5.1 Our company shall not be held responsible for damages caused by the following reasons:

5.1.1 Improper use of products and services.

5.1.2 Online purchases of goods or similar services, online transactions, or unauthorized modifications to services or information transmitted by users.

5.2 Users shall bear legal responsibilities if they infringe upon the intellectual property rights or other legitimate rights and interests of others while using this application and its services.

6. Ownership of Content

The definition of content includes: text, software, sound, photographs, videos, icons; all content in advertisements; the entire content of emails; commercial information provided to users in the process of using this application's services. All such content is protected by copyright, trademarks, labels, and other property rights laws. Users may not copy, reproduce, or create derivative products related to this content without the permission of our company.

7. Miscellaneous

7.1 Depending on the nature of the services provided by users, users are required to follow the relevant terms and conditions when using for our company's services.

7.2 If any provision of this agreement, for any reason, is deemed invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions of this agreement shall remain valid and binding.

7.3 Any issues arising during the execution of this service agreement between this website and users shall be resolved through friendly negotiation.